This man is guilty of many things and needs to stopped before any impressionable young minds start listening to his disgusting, racist rants: ... n-history/
Giving every identity group its own special month and celebrating their unique truth unites us all. The "melting pot" concept of America is outdated and lame - cool people think of our nation as a big charcuterie board.
...with a side order of breakfast tacos. ... n-history/
Giving every identity group its own special month and celebrating their unique truth unites us all. The "melting pot" concept of America is outdated and lame - cool people think of our nation as a big charcuterie board.
...with a side order of breakfast tacos.
Statistics: Posted by Panem Et Circenses — 6/17/2024, 1:16 pm — Replies 1 — Views 156